Case Studies

Case Studies

Over 200 installations of MVR evaporator & steam compressor from LEHENG are serving various of industries all over the world.

30T/h MVR Evaporation Crystallizer for Chemical Wastewater Treatment (ZLD)

Implementation of the MVR technology solved the tough challenge of high salt content wastewater treatment, water cycle utilization rate of more than 90%; Using photoelectric catalysis for waste gas treatment; Comprehensive recycling and utilization of waste residue, the realization of "three wastes" emissions standards.

Implementation of the MVR technology solved the tough challenge of high salt content wastewater treatment, water cycle utilization rate of more than 90%; Using photoelectric catalysis for waste gas treatment; Comprehensive recycling and utilization of waste residue, the realization of "three wastes" emissions standards.

Project Information

Evaporation Rate

Energy Consumption Analysis

Steam Price 200 RMB/T Working Time 8000 Hour/year
Circulation Cooling Water l RMB/m³ Electrity Price 1 RMB/kW/h
EquipmentMVR EvaporatorThree effect evaporator
Centrifugal compressor 1300 KW/h 1300 RMB 0 KW/h 0 RMB
Pump 450 KW/h 450 RMB 400 KW/h 400 RMB
Steam To Preheat 0.5 T/h 100 RMB 12 T/h 12 RMB
Cooling Water 50 T/h 50 RMB 400 T/h 400 RMB
etc. 0   0 RMB 0   0 RMB
Evaporation Cost/ Hour 1600 RMB 2840 RMB
Evaporation Cost /Ton 53.3 RMB 94.6 RMB
Annual Operation Cost 12800000 RMB 22720000 RMB
Cost Saving/Ton 41.3 RMB
Ratio of Economy Saving 43%